Firebird Trace and Services API

Firebird Trace Manager screen shot

The Firebird Trace and Services API allows to trace database and services events continuously. While this is extremely useful, the command-line utility fbtracemgr included in the Firebird distribution, is limited in its feature set. FB TraceManager jumps in here and makes the usage of the new Firebird tracing and monitoring facility very easy.

Version 3.6 is available NOW!
Including Firebird 3 support!

What is FB TraceManager

FB TraceManager by Upscene Productions is currently the only specialized tool available on the market, which exposes the Firebird Trace API in a very user friendly way. With a modern and easy-to-use graphical user interface armed, it exposes the new Firebird tracing capabilities in its full power.

Raw trace data is semi-structured per default. A context-based parser transforms raw data into an understandable structured representation of trace events. This is a solid basis for working on parsed trace data to persist received trace events into an included FB TraceManager database, run user-definable reports and OLAP-style analysis or write user-definable event rules for near-real-time notification upon conditions in trace events you want to watch out. Hotspots analysis gives you an on-the-fly aggregated view on incoming trace events to spot top contributors very quickly.

Beside the well-recognized Trace API support, FB TraceManager also provides additional per-database monitoring facilities for header page and database statistics monitoring and monitoring (MON$) tables integration, with a user-definable coloring schema to identify possible problems more quickly.

FB TraceManager gives you a professional tool set to monitor, profile, trace and optimize your Firebird environment.

What's next?

Supported Firebird Versions

Regression notice in Firebird 3.0.0 Final!

Due to a regression (see Firebird tracker) in Firebird 3.0.0 Final (Build: it is not recommended to run a trace session with FB TraceManager against the final release of Firebird 3.0.0. This can lead to a single CPU/core fully utilized on the Firebird server and lock-ups in FB TraceManager. The header page, database statistics and MON$ monitoring area is not affected. If you want to run a trace against Firebird 3, update to a snapshot build or wait until Firebird 3.0.1 is out.

Key Features