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Database Workbench v2.8.0 released - complete changes list

Below is the complete list of new features, enhancements and bugfixes for Database Workbench 2.8

New Features

  • New SQL Insight, better and easier, Foreign Key JOIN suggestion
  • Create INSERT script from ODBC datasource
  • New, two-way Visual Query Builder, available in all editors, also see Preferences.
  • Full support for "table functions" in the Stored Function Editor ("Results" tab can return a resultset), for example with MS SQL 2000
  • Drag columns from the Navigator or Describe Companion to the Table Editor to make a copy in the current table (does not work cross-database)
  • Ability to switch connections in the SQL/Script Editor
  • Schema Compare: added option to treat national text and text as the same datatypes
  • Schema Migrator: detect MySQL "enum" datatype and automatically create a Check Constraint for other database systems
  • MySQL specific
    • Database level privileges for users
    • Stored Procedure Editor to edit/create procedures
    • Stored Function Editor to edit/create functions
    • Trigger Editor to edit/create triggers
    • View Editor to edit/create views
    • Full MySQL 5 support (new datatypes, tabletypes, Grants, user privileges etc)
    • Printing of triggers, views, stored procedures, stored functions
    • Create SUID Procs
  • MS SQL Server specific
    • support for MS SQL 2005
    • support for Database Triggers, Database Trigger Editor, Database Schema
    • Added Assembly Editor
    • Added Database Trigger Editor
    • Added XML datatype
    • Schema Filter on a per-database basis
  • Oracle specific
    • lists and extracts DDL for Directories
    • added support for the XMLType datatype and assigning XML schemas to it
    • lists registered XML schemas
    • support for "call specification" triggers instead of PL/SQL block
    • Library Editor, libraries listed and DDL extracted
    • added Java Source support in Editor, DDL Extract and browsing
    • new icon for tables as the result of a materialized view
    • added new keywords
    • support for table physical/storage properties
    • support for table options


  • several changes for multi-schema database engines
  • DataPump "default options", see Preferences
  • Selecting a piece of text in the Script Editor will execute only that piece
  • Context popup menu for the window task bar (#29)
  • using in the DB Navigator acts as a "double click"
  • external tables and password protected tables have their own icon
  • multi-thread improvements to avoid long delay on first open/quick browse in the SQL Editor (most noticable if your Oracle connection process is slowish)
  • Describe Companion: now lists Sessions AND Schemas for easy access to all objects per session or on a schema basis
  • "insert statement" export now has a "target connectiontype" box to define the syntax used for INSERT statements
  • "Run" button disabled while running Script
  • Editor enhancements:
    • "AutoClose" and "AutoEnclose". see Preferences, Editors
    • Added "surround with" feature in any code editor (right click)
  • Search Database -> allows you to search through all schemas of a session
  • DataPump no longer prepopulates drop down boxes for servers/dbs (#16)
  • Table Editor shows DDL for table including table objects (see Preferences)
  • "Lookup in Describe Companion" now also tries to search for the active node in the Db Navigator if there's no code editor active
  • Ability to use "force only" mode for SQL Insight, see Preferences
  • Schema Compare:
    • improved order of script extraction
    • removed several causes for false positives for sub-objects (indices, triggers, constraints)
    • increased datatype recognition for equality
  • MySQL: export to INSERT statement exports BLOBs with SQL standard syntax
  • MSSQL: renaming a trigger/procedure/function automatically modifies the source code to include the new name
  • MSSQL: better support for "Cursor" datatype and "table" functions (#28)
  • MSSQL: "table fragmentation" removed from SQL 7 or earlier, didn't work (#3)
  • MSSQL: lock timeout for queries so that DBW won't lock up in case of a transaction lock (#1)
  • Automatic image-type recognition in the BLOB Editor if the tab is on "Image".
  • Oracle:
    • schema filtering on a per-connection template basis
    • connection options dialog
    • External table recognition
    • ask to show connection template properties when creating a new template
    • show warning when selecting "direct" connectivity about XMLType and object types
    • Tables that are the result of materialized views cannot be editted in the Table Editor, nor do they extract DDL


  • Minor GUI fixes
  • AVs fixed on (automatic) statement recording to a read-only file
  • AVs fixed when editting table objects in Table Editor
  • AVs fixed when cancelling new table objects in Table Editor
  • fixes with regard to cross-schema FKs
  • bookmarks disappeared when switching SQL pages (#24) and in Oracle Package Editor
  • Fixed automatically starting a transaction when "autocommit" is turned ON in the SQL Editor
  • Access Violations fixed that could occur when closing the Table Editor after selecting one of the "subobjects"
  • Describe Companion popup menu didn't handle Stored Procedures/Functions
  • DDL/DML logfile "begin" and "end" now inside comments
  • Opening the Grant Manager and later on adding a new object and re-opening the Grant Manager would not have the new object included
  • expanding and contracting a "depends on" or "depending objects" node in the Database Navigator could cause an AV (#5)
  • Table Editor didn't have "schema" drop down disabled for a New table
  • Table Editor did not record statements for sub objects
  • Script Editor: loading a file didn't preserve the file path
  • DWX import could fail with misc error messages when importing multiple tables
  • Export of GUIDs was wrong, no quotes around values
  • removed "Plan Analysis" tabs from Proc/Func Editor for non IB/Fb
  • MSSQL, Oracle: dropping a check/unique constraint via the Table Editor resulted in an AV
  • DataPump: "all in one transaction" missed the "empty tables" actions (#19)
  • MSSQL:
    • A "%"-character in the view source would raise exceptions for the View DDL
    • fixed particular sync error with FKs from within the Table Editor
    • fixed file entry error when creating a database
    • sometimes, columns weren't initially recognized as PK columns
    • fixed an issue with FK data fetching
    • fixed a 100% CPU error under WindowsXP after registering a MS SQL Server and connecting to a database on it
  • MySQL: revoking only the "with grant option" from a user resulted in an error
  • MySQL: grants for objects always failed to be extracted on metadata extracts
  • IB/Fb: role members names were not delimited when needed (dialect 3)
  • IB/Fb: dragging procedure parameters (from the Describe Companion) onto the parameter-grids in the Procedure Editor would result in errors
  • IB/Fb: modifying an index resulted in an "Index not found in list"
  • IB/Fb: fixed a bug with the debugger and "datatype unknown" errors when using parameters before a FROM clause in a SELECT statement
  • IB/Fb: fixed a repaint error in the Restore Database screen. Selecting a different "backup project" for an existing Restore project would should the previous filesnames, but restore to the files from the Backup project.
  • IB/Fb: Stored Procedure Parameters weren't checked for reserved words
  • Oracle:
    • fetching grants for non-system users would fail completely, now it fetches grants visible to that user
    • fixed possible AVs with modifying User, Role, Tablespace, RBS details
    • fixed AV errors related to table changes on tables with indices
    • refreshing the Views list with views pending fails to load the new view (#18)
    • Constraints with name SYS_nnn not be extracted with name in the DDL
    • "buffer pool" metadata for index wasn't fetched
    • CREATE TABLE/INDEX always included schema name, while other CREATEs did not
    • fixed bug with transfering BLOBs when using "direct" connectivity
    • fixed particular sync error with FKs from within the Table Editor
    • "rowid" no longer used in browsing view and external table data
    • sometimes, the schema name was included despite options etc...
    • fixed bug with NVARCHAR parameters in data-transfer/other
    • fixed disappearing labels (WinXP) in Oracle "register server and "connection profile options"
  • Creating SUID Procedures without fetching the procedures first would raise an Access Violation after creating them
  • ODBC: datatype "GUID" wasn't recognized (#6)
  • SQL Insight: aliassed views weren't resolved if you used alias.[wait]
  • TDG:
    • project loading error when "Sequence" was beyond number of available tables
    • error messages were cut-off for non-IB/Fb connections
    • MSSQL "image" datatype not recognized as BLOB
    • MySQL and MS SQL did not support data for BLOBs
    • MySQL: TDG/DataPump ran in "autocommit", even when using InnoDB tables
  • Schema Compare:
    • "check constraint" for a Domain wasn't modified
    • fixed "list index out of bounds" issue with comparing Stored Procedures with different number of output parameters
  • IB/Fb: when a procedure parameter was removed, this could result in an "list index out of bounds" error when collecting the script
  • Fixed AV(s) after comparing full schema for an existing connection
  • Fixed bookmark images for some non-8-bit color systems
  • "Duplicate Object" and "Rename Object" dialogs had a maximum length of 31 characters for the new object name
  • SQL Editor didn't properly support parameters reported as "BCD" or "FMTBCD"
  • DataPump: loading a project with an Oracle destination would not find the server in the list of available servers
  • Reaching EOF in the BLOB Editor and going back wouldn't show data