Report Manager

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( Pro Edition )


Database Workbench comes with a report writer so you can create your own custom reports. Reports can be stored in files or per database in the Workspace.


The Report Manager is used for file-based reports, it can be reached via Tools | Report Manager or the Tools toolbar button once a database session has been established.


File-based reports can be used on any database, they're not tied to a specific database, Workspace reports are saved for a specific database.


Report Manager


As you can see, the Report Manager shows a folder and list of available reports. From the toolbar, you can create a new report, duplicate the current report, delete it or create a 'workspace report' from the current report.


When creating a new report, the Visual Query Builder will start so you can create the query the report is based on, after that, go to the Report tab to enter the Report Writer. Don't forget to use the Save button to save the report to a file.