Using the Enterprise Manager with Oracle

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From the Enterprise Manager, you have access to all functionality related to Oracle.


In the Servers treeview, expand the registered server. This will show the following treenodes:

An expanded Oracle servers


Connection Profiles

Clicking the Connect As node will open the Connection Profile dialog.


Connection Profile Dialog


In this dialog, you can enter the username and password you're using to create an Oracle session. From the drop-down box for username, you can select a previous profile if you like. Once connected, the Enterprise Manager will add your newly created profile to the Connect As tree-node. You can double click a connection profile to create an Oracle session.


Three different connection profiles



Double clicking a database will connect and open a Database Navigator window.


After connecting, Database Workbench will ask you if you want to modify the schema-filter. You can also reach this functionality by right-clicking a connection profile and selecting Options.

This will display the following dialog:

Connection Profile Options


As you can see, you can filter the visible schemas and enter other options.



Via this node, you can reach the User Manager and Role Manager.


The Security node


Double click the node of choice and create, edit or drop the users or roles.



The Storage node gives you one or two options to edit Tablespaces or Rollback Segments.


If Database Workbench detects that your Oracle server doesn't use Rollback Segments, then this node will not be visible.



Under this node, you can find two items to monitor your Oracle server.


For more information, see:

Blocking Locks