User Management

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The InterBase user manager is an easy to use tool. Simply double click the User Manager node in the Enterprise Manager and the User Manager will open - alternatively, use the context menu Administration & Maintenance | User Manager.


You should have registered the server with a valid SYSDBA password in order to create users. If you're using a Classic architecture InterBase, be sure to have entered the security database path ("isc4.gdb" for InterBase < 7 and "admin.ib" for InterBase >= 7) in order to view the users. When using Database Workbench with the Classic architecture, you cannot create or delete users.


The InterBase User Manager


Selecting a user and using the Edit User button will open the User Properties dialog.


The User Properties Dialog


If you create a new user, this dialog will appear as well - but empty of course.


If you're modifying a user, and you don't want to modify the password - be sure to NOT change the current value in the Password and Confirm edit boxes.


Exitting this dialog by using the OK button will save the user information.