Performance Monitoring

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The Performance Monitor gives you a quick overview of the general InterBase performance and memory allocation related to this particular database. Items are grouped into the tree, the following groups are visible:


Database Sweep


The values consist of two entries, the current one and the top value since the start.


Performance Monitor - fully expanded view



Shows 3 items, "Active", "Inactive" and "Compiled". See the InterBase documentation for more information on this.



The only information InterBase currently returns is how many active threads there are for the database.



Memory is allocated from "pools", this item will show how many pools currently are available and how much memory is allocated to different sorts of tasks. For another and more detailed view at memory, see Memory Monitoring.



This items lists the current numbers of transactions, total deadlocks and the current transaction counters.


Database Sweep

If a database sweep is being performed, the Sweep Active item will have a value of "Y" and the other items will have the values currently related to the sweep.