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At the Navigator tab, you can browse the database/schema structure and perform common tasks.
The tree-view of the Navigator is made up of the following main nodes:
If a database engine, like MySQL, doesn't support schema specific security like Roles, the Security node isn't visible.
Information is cached in Database Workbench, so adding objects via a script or from another workstation will not reflect in the tree view. Either click the Refresh From Database button in the Database Navigator toolbar, or use the context menu of any object group and select Refresh. This will check if any objects have been removed or added.
For information about the icons for each object type, see Object Icons.
For detailed information on database engine specific features, see:
The Navigator tab has a Filter box, if you have selected a main node like "Tables" or "Stored Procedures" or a single item in the list of Tables or Stored Procedures, the filter will be applied to that list only. Alternatively, select the Schema node to apply the filter to all types of objects.
A filtered Navigator (click to expand)
If there are matches, the box turns green, if there are no matches, it turns red. It's yellow while entering new text that hasn't been matched yet.
Each Schema node lists a schema (or database) and its objects. These objects are arranged in groups (folders), like Tables and Indices.
Almost every node (object type) will have a context sensitive menu, as well as the folder nodes (Tables, Procedure etc). You can use these menus to access commonly used functionality.
Double clicking a group will open the object editor for the group-object type.
You will also notice that for database engines and objects that support user-written descriptions, a "Description" box will be visible after selecting such an object. You can view and modify the description at the bottom of the Navigator and use the Save Description button to save the description to the database. This box will be displayed automatically, which can be turned OFF in the Preferences.
Description Box
See also: list of available Schema Object Editors
2. Database ObjectsAnything not related to database security, storage or management and is not schema specific is listed under Database Objects. Think of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 "database triggers" or MySQL "events".
See also: list of available Database Objects Editors
3. SecurityListed under the Security node is anything related to security that is database specific. This does not include server-wide user accounts, for example. Think of database roles, groups etc.
As usual, the object types are put together in groups. Double clicking the group will open the object editor for that particular object type.
See also: list of available Security Object Editors
4. StorageStorage lists the data-files used for the connected schema. Any other groups like "shadows" or "transaction logs" are listed here as well. There are currently no context menus available for anything related to storage.
See also: list of available Storage Object Editors
Many different things can be listed under Management & Maintenance - some of which can be found in the Server Manager as well.
The actual functionality listed here depends on the type of database engine so better consult the database engine specific topics.
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