Table Editor Options

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The options when creating a new table are available at the Options tab in the Table Editor. The default options will be used if you don't modify them.


Below is an example screenshot of this tab for NexusDB.


Table Options for NexusDB


As you can see, the Primary Key box lists the primary key, generated from a Name Template.


Next, is the default collation to be used for all character based columns for this table. The "[default]" entry means the current operating system collation will be used. When specifying another collation than the default, the collation compare flags become enabled (eg: Ignore non space). You can override the default collation and codepage settings at the Columns tab for each character based column by selecting another collation and codepage there and using the button at the Options column. This will display a small dialog in which you can change the compare flag options.


Each collation has an implicit codepage which can be overriden by using the Default Codepage drop down box.


The items in the Storage group allow you to specify the way the NexusDB engine stores your rows on disk and the initial size of the table as well as the growth if the current allocated space becomes too small.


When using encryption for a table, specify the password (twice) in the Encryption group. If you use encryption, make sure to use session passwords when connecting because if you don't, you cannot access the data in this table.