How To Use & Notation Conventions

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Welcome to the Database Workbench documentation. In here you will find several topics that will help you to find your way in Database Workbench. In the application, press F1 to activate the help (this help file). It will go to the topic that fits the current situation most. If it can't find one, it will go to the main index...


This help file exists of several chapters, each with it's own subject. Don't forget to use the "Index" and "Search" pages of the help.


Some items might be marked "database engine specific" or "Pro Edition". If you are using a Lite edition of Database Workbench, not all of the features in this helpfile are available to you. See the topic Database Workbench Editions.


Notation conventions

Menu paths are identified by bold text ( File | Save ) and the Pipe symbol between selections ( | ).
Italic text is used for dialog/window/button captions
Uppercase COURIER FONT is used for keyboard shortcuts.


Available help-items

If you didn't install Database Workbench with all available files, you might not have installed all available help files. Sometimes you will see things listed with a note "if installed" - the topics listed with this added might not be available to your installed version.



Screen shots in this help file may differ (slightly) from the actual program.


Completely new to Database Workbench?

Read the Getting Started section for a quick introduction!