Run a Data Generator Project

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Selecting a project from the Project List and using the green Run Project button opens the Run Project dialog. The Advanced Data Generator also supports running multiple projects, one after another, if you select multiple items from the list.


Additionally, you can choose to run a project on multiple databases by using the Run Project On All Databases button in the project list.


The Run Project dialog, just after using the Run Project button


If you choose No to avoid the current run, you can check the databases to run the project for and click the Start Process button in the dialog.


The dialog is divided in two parts, the Items to generate data for part (on the left) and Current Item part (on the right).


Once started, the Run button becomes unavailable and the red Cancel Process button is enabled. You can cancel the data generation process at any time via the Cancel Process button. Any un-committed transaction will be committed when you do this.


At the left, you can see the tables and other items in this project and the order they're in. Each of these items will have generated for and the details for the current item are being displayed on the right. Once an item has been finished, a check mark is drawn next to it.


The large memo control is the quick log and displays the progress as text messages and any errors that occur. After the process has finished, you can optionally save the log into the Advanced Data Generator database via the Save Log to Database button. A detailed explanation about projects log is available in the chapter Project Logs.


A canceled process


In the screenshot above, you can see the items PRODUCTS and CUSTOMERS being finished and the current item was ORDERS.