Database Workbench 4 Pro released!

Database Workbench 4 is the next major version of our multi-DBMS developer tool, it offers new features and improvements and represents a major milestone in the history of this tool.

"Database Workbench 4 Pro is fully Unicode enabled", says Martijn Tonies, founder of Upscene Productions. "This makes sure this tool is ready for database development all over the world enabling software developers to do their jobs better and faster. Having a single tool for multiple database systems increases productivity as developers don't have to switch between different vendor tools with different user interfaces."

"And when we added the cross-database tools, like the DataPump, Database Migrator and Database Compare tools, our users applauded that move and requested that we added more!"

There are many new improvements to the existing tools in Database Workbench 4 as requested by our users.

More information on Database Workbench can be found here, the full list of changes is available from our tracker here.